Are you suffering from joint pain? If so, get pain relief from experienced doctors at Axon Health Associates. Our state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and dedicated specialists offer top-notch treatment plans for joint pain relief.
What Is Joint Pain?
Joints form the connection between bones and parts of your body. They support the body and aid in movement. Joints include the knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, and spine. If your joint is damaged by injury or disease, it can cause pain and interfere with normal function.
Joint pain is discomfort or aches in one or more joints. Most joint pains do not typically require a hospital visit since they are harmless and can resolve independently without causing long-term problems. However, some causes of joint pain require treatment, such as when the pain results from injury or disease. Joint pain can come and go and be mild to severe, causing a disabling, stiff feeling or a burning, throbbing pain.
Joint Pain Causes
There are various causes of joint pain. It is most common as you age. Different conditions cause joint pain, including and not limited to:
Osteoarthritis: It is the most common type of arthritis caused by wear and tear of the joints.
General body infections such as flu illnesses can cause joint pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack its own tissues leading to swelling and painful joints.
Gout first attacks one joint (toe joint) and then attacks other joints. This painful condition causes inflammation due to crystal formation in the joints.
Muscle strain from tears of the muscle or tissues connecting to the bone causes joint pain and limited range of motion.
Severe vitamin D deficiency can cause joint pain.
Connective tissue diseases affect tissues all over the body, such as ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.
Tendinitis is caused by overuse. It is the inflammation of the tendon, typically affecting the shoulder, heel, or elbow.
Menopause can cause joint and muscle pain.
Joint Pain Symptoms
Joint pain may have the following signs and symptoms:
- Joint bruising
- Red and swollen joints
- Bruising
- Joint stiffness
- Warmth around the joint
- Difficulties when bending or straightening the joints
- Tingling or numbing sensation
- Joint tenderness
- Limping
- Loss of joint range of motion
- Joint locking
When to See a Doctor
See your doctor if there is swelling, tenderness, warmth to the touch, and redness in the joint. You should also make an appointment with your doctor if:
- You have a persistent fever or night sweats
- Pain that wakes you up at night
- You have had persistent pain for more than three days
- If you are feeling ill or unwell
- Pain is not relieved by pain medications
- Pain has not improved after two weeks of home treatment
- You have unexplained joint pain that does not go away
Seek immediate medical treatment if:
- Your joints are stiff for more than 30 minutes after waking up
- Joint swelling occurs suddenly
- There is a joint deformity
- You have severe joint pain
- You have experienced a serious injury
- The joint is completely immobile
Joint Pain Diagnosis
Your doctor will take your personal medical and family history and do a physical examination. You’ll be asked questions about your pain, when and where it appeared, and whether it occurred after an injury. The joints will also be inspected for their range of motion. You will be checked for signs of injury to the ligaments, tendons, and surrounding tissues.
Your doctor may also order laboratory tests to diagnose accurately, such as blood tests to check uric acid, rheumatoid factor, reactive proteins, or antinuclear antibodies.
Other diagnostic tests include X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause and aims to relieve pain and symptoms.
Noninvasive Treatments
To manage your pain, treatment options include:
- Take over-the-counter medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or topical ointments for pain relief and inflammation
- Steroid injections for pain relief and swelling
- Antidepressants to help with lack of sleep due to joint pain
- Platelet-rich plasma(PRP) therapy (made from your own blood) and then reinjected into the painful joint to help with inflammation and speed up the healing
- Antibiotics if you have an infection
- Lose weight and maintain a healthy weight
- Apply heat or ice packs to the affected area
- Physical or occupational therapy
- Massage therapy
- Alternative medicine such as acupuncture
- Supportive aids such as races or canes
- Adequate rest
This is recommended when joint pain is not improving after other treatments. There are different surgical approaches, including:
Joint replacement replaces worn-out joints and is commonly done for the shoulder, knee, and hip joints.
Arthroscopy to repair cartilage or remove bone spurs near or in the joint.
This depends on the underlying cause. Early detection and treatment are vital in stopping the condition from progressing. Most joint pain causes can resolve independently without causing problems or complications later. Joint pain caused by certain medical conditions such as osteoarthritis may cause long-term issues and requires long-term treatment.
You do not have to suffer from joint pain anymore. Call Axon Health Associates today for pain relief solutions or schedule an appointment online.